Computer BYTES - Doing I.T. Right

Computer Bytes Online Backup – Safe, Simple, Secure

Please consider the following

  • What important information do you keep on your computer?
  • What would happen if all the files on your computer were erased?
  • How would this data loss negatively affect your business?

The Impact of Data Loss

“A Company that experiences a computer outage lasting more than 10 days will never fully recover financially. 50% will be out of business within five years.”

“An estimated 25% of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster and 70% of small firms that experience a major data loss go out of business within a year.”

With companies experiencing catastrophic data loss:

  • 43% of companies never reopened
  • 51% of companies closed within 2 years
  • 80% of companies that do not recover from a disaster within one month are likely to go out of business.
  • 75% of companies without business continuity plans fail within three years of a disaster.
  • Of those businesses that experience a disaster and have no emergency plan, 43% never reopen; of those that do reopen, only 29% are still operating two years later.

Source: Impact on U.S. Small Business of Natural & Man-Made Disasters, A compilation of public and private sector intelligence; Presented by HP and SCORE: Counselors to America’s Small Business; 2007.

Information / Resources

For more information, or for pricing options, please give us a call at 325.223.9200 or send us an email.

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